Monday, September 12, 2016

Your History is Told By Your Action to Others

Found in Envato Market
Sitting at the pool yesterday, I was listening to a friend talk about a Commanding Officer he met on base. He was working and living with the military on base for a job. Every day, he would explore different parts of the base to take pictures and see this Commanding Officer around 5 PM in the community area. 

   This CO sat down with my friend every day to talk about what he saw and learned. The CO was very receptive to how my friend saw things and what his experiences were. The CO was open to any questions my friend had.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Want to Know the Funny Thing About Destiny?

Want to Know the Funny Thing About Destiny? Suit and Boxing Gloves
Found on Udemy
   Have you ever heard someone tell you that you're "Destined for Great Things"? Like it's a far-gone tale passed down through the generations or foretold in some grand book? Maybe they think that if they say it and you succeed, they can claim some of your success from what they said. 

   Here's the funny thing about destiny. You can talk about it all you want, but it'll never happen unless you work towards it. Sounds crazy I know. Unfortunately, sitting on the couch all day saying, "I'm destined to be a movie star!" won't make you a movie star. 

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Virtual Reality is the True Start to Our Matrix

Virtual Reality is the True Start to Our Matrix
Found on Virtual Reality Reviewer
   The technology we have today is truly fascinating and horrifying. The first computer was created less than a century ago that was as big as a house, and now we have virtual reality and a prototype that can project images into your retinas...

   Almost every day I read an article stating that a company or person is pretty positive that we live in a simulation. Thank you Elon for starting that trend for this generation. I feel there is some validity to those statements with how much we utilize the internet and our phones, but where it will really happen will be when Virtual Reality goes commercial.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Money Doesn't Provide A Better Life For Most

Found on Quotes Gram
   Does anyone other than me find it interesting that money runs our life? It's really easy to see if you take a step back. We work, get material items, travel and pay with the dollar. A lot of people think that more money will improve their life, but most of the time that's false.

   Unless you're poor or destitute, money just gives you more "stuff". An article written by Mandi Woodruff in Business Insider states "When it comes to spending money, people are often content to rely on their hunches about what will make them happy".

Friday, September 2, 2016

It's All A Numbers Game

It's All A Numbers Game: keyboard
Found on Time 2 Mrkt
  For the past few months I've been studying Social Marketing through Coursera. Since I've been taking the course, I've been testing out the teachings I have learned with much success. I recommend this specialization to anyone who wants to make it in this new and advanced world.

   Lately though, I've been thinking about the whole aspect of marketing, especially in social media. The further I delve into it the more I realize that it's a numbers game, with people being the numeral entity.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Why Don't We Speak 2 Languages

We Don't Speak 2 Languages
Found on Beijing Tourism
   I find it interesting that most of the world knows our language, but why don't we know others? Did you know that 350 Million people around the world speak English, with 50 countries slotting it as the official or primary language? To date, we are only behind Mandarin and Spanish in most known language in the world.

   This is what really puzzles me. Even though more people in the world know Mandarin and Spanish, they are more likely to know our language than we are of theirs.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Every Successful Person Does This

Every Successful Person Does This: Welcome to Success
Found on Alltop
   Have you ever been in a conversation with someone who is talking about an idea they have that will help them succeed? Have any of those ideas sounded like something that has been done by someone who has succeeded decades ago? There's a reason for that.

   Whether that person you were talking to knows it or not, they're on the tipping point of tapping into what every successful person does; reworking the ideas or methods of a past success into their program.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

3 Reasons Why You Need Motivational Content Every Day

3 Reasons Why You Need Motivational Content Every Day!
Found on Plus Quotes
   There are 2 sayings out there that are universally true;

  1. "Garbage in, Garbage out" - If you let Negative in, Negative comes Out.
  2. "You must believe first in order to succeed"
   Humans are receptive creatures. On any given day, we are subjected to so much negative in our lives. From the early mornings to the stresses of driving to the pressures of society around you, we get beaten down to submission. 

   We get home and are unmotivated to do anything, because working and living in the world is so tough on your spirit. That project you wanted to do or that idea you wanted to build gets pushed to the next day, to the next week, to the next month. Sometimes it never happens. 

3 Reasons Why You Need Motivational Content Every Day!
Found on YouTube

   This is where motivational content comes in. Whether it's a book, a podcast, or a video, you need to put in time daily for it. Below are 3 reasons why you need to start today. 

  • Recognizes Your Fear - Failure is mostly caused by lack of motivation induced by fear. This spurns from FOMO (Fear of missing out), Fear of Failing, or even Fear of Success. Motivational content makes you step back and realize that fear that's holding you back. When you find that wall, you can knock it down.

3 Reasons Why You Need Motivational Content Every Day!
Found on YouTube

   Motivation drives what we do in life. Whether it's from belief, family, or your desires, motivation is what keeps us going. There is so much negative in our lives, that we need to input the positive vibes as much as we can. 

   You have to seek and consume the motivational content, because nobody else will do it for you. Succeeding at anything requires daily pushes forward, and it's hard to do that on you own.

   By bringing the motivational content into your daily life, you will be charged with positive thoughts that'll carry you to your success. Below are some of my favorite videos. Watch them and go accomplish your dreams!

   Remember, if you're not driving to accomplish your dreams, you will be working for someone else to accomplish theirs.

3 Reasons Why You Need Motivational Content Every Day!
Found on YouTube

     Brad Slaughter is a Co-Owner of Try-Fun Fitness & Training, Writer for Inside My Inquisitive Mind, Producer, Entrepreneur and trained in Social Media Marketing By Corsera

   Follow him on

Twitter- @bradslaughter89                                                                                              or Facebook - @OfficialBradSlaughter

Monday, August 29, 2016

Depression Facts You Need to Know and Share

Found in Stat
   Why is it that nobody likes talking about depression? I feel society puts this absurd connotation on it as one of the unspeakable things. Rarely do I see media coverage on it; but when I do, they're usually negative factors.  

   The Media is how we get all information and form our expectations and views of society. It seems to be a common thread that the media spews out partial or even fake reports to align society to their flavor of the week.

   A prime example are the Myths the Media Depicts on Depression, reported by Margarita Tartakovsky, M.S. in Psych Central. The article speaks on so many myths, and here's a few of them below:

Sunday, August 28, 2016

3 Ways To Become An Expert Communicator

3 Ways to Become a better communicator
Found on Linkedin
   One of the most unique qualities of an influential leader is their ability to communicate. Throughout time, a leader's knack to communicate has led armies, countries and movements. Some of the best speeches ever made came from the best communicators the world has seen.

   Although it may seem that this quality is something that you're born with, the truth is quite the opposite. The best communicators had to learn and practice to become the way they were. 

   Just like any other skill out there, knowledge of how the skill works and correctly practicing will lead to massive improvements, if not mastery of the subject. Below are 3 ways to learn and practice what you need to know to become a better communicator.

3 Ways to Become a better communicator: Improv improves many skills
Found on Twin Cities 365
  •  Take Improv Classes - Wait, really? Oh yeah. Improv classes get you out of your shell and teaches you how to create a story with your partner. As Professor Jeffrey Arterbum states in his paper on Communication and the Art of Improvisation, "Improv serves as a communicative method designed for spontaneously solving problems as they arise"

3 Ways to Become a better communicator: Listen to be an excellent Communicator
Found in the Teachers Handbook
  • Listen - The best communicators don't talk as much as you think. Elizabeth Palermo writes about this in a Business News Daily Article. What you don't say might be the most important part of the conversation. You were born with 2 ears and 1 mouth for a reason. Listen to your audience and connect with what their needs are. 
  • Simplify The Complex - Inspired by a Forbes Article from Susan Tardanico, being able to simplify things in this complex world is paramount. Communicators can take the jumble of ideas and strategies, break it down, and provide simple solutions for people to understand.

   There are so many rules, steps and ways you can utilize to become an excellent communicator. These 3 practices give you the most essential communicative qualities while offering stimulation for your mind. 

   If you're having trouble communicating, I urge you to try these out. Growth is induced through change and dedication. Post a comment if these ways work for you.

     Brad Slaughter is a Co-Owner of Try-Fun Fitness & Training, Writer for Inside My Inquisitive Mind, Producer, Entrepreneur and trained in Social Media Marketing By Corsera

   Follow him on

Twitter- @bradslaughter89                                                                                              or Facebook - @OfficialBradSlaughter

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Hate Adulting?: 3 Ways To Unlock Your Inner Kid

Hate Adulting? 3 Ways to Unlock Your Inner Kid
Found on BuzzFeed
   Just about everyone hates "adulting". Rushing to grow up seems to be the standard for our society, but why? It seems that becoming an adult means settling or lack of enjoyment. 

   You're supposed to subscribe to the jaded intricacies of "work", "chores" and "responsibilities". Those words look so daunting don't they? Being an adult just has so many negative connotations connected to it, and scientists appear to agree with me. 

Hate Adulting? 3 Ways to Unlock Your Inner Kid
Found on Social Heartists

Friday, August 26, 2016

Bloggers: 3 Ways To Write Original Content Every Day!

Bloggers: 3 Ways To Write Original Content Every Day! Typewriter
Found on Marketing Land
   Before I started blogging, I set a commitment for myself to post 1 blog every day for Inside My Inquisitive Mind and 2 posts per week for my gym's (Try-Fun) blog. 

   My goal is to give my readers and followers something interesting to read about on a daily basis. Now that's it's been over a month, I have tons of varied content that people can enjoy. 

Thursday, August 25, 2016

3 Rules You Need To Follow To Be A Great Leader

3 Rules You Need to Follow to be a Great Leader: Lincoln, Mandella, Gandhi
Found on Isha

  Being a leader is a huge responsibility that cannot be taken lightly. As a leader, you are now in a role where people follow your command and look up to you. There are many leaders out there, but it takes some special knowledge to be great.

   Great leaders have laid the groundwork for new social systems, freed people from slavery and servitude, and have stood up to evil powers that gave rise to a collective humanity. 

   These leaders were not born this way. They had to learn just like we do. Here are 3 rules they followed diligently that you need to become a great leader like them.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

How To Know You Only Love The Idea of Them

Sleeping Alone: How To Know You Only Love The Idea Of Them
Found on Pintrest
   Have you ever woken up one day and thought, "Why am I in this relationship"? I've had that feeling twice in my life when I was younger. It's a rough feeling and pretty depressing, especially if you have been with that person for quite some time. I mean, this person is what you've always wanted right? Maybe not...

   With all of the movies, books and music out there that attempt to construct the most perfect relationship, it skews our view of what a relationship actually is. Like in the article written by Psych Alive titled Why My Relationship Failed, a Fantasy Bond Story, we think that by being inseparable with our loved one is a perfect situation. In all of our dreams and fantasies, we see that perfect person light up our world every possible second they can. The visions of being held through the night while you're clinging to your pillow hoping that mystery person will come soon.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Successful People Know Their Failure

Found on Forbes
   A conversation I was apart of yesterday is a prime example of why people don't succeed. As my neighbor and I were shooting pool, a model came up to my neighbor to discuss how her career is going. 

   First off, she was the one speaking the whole time. She was talking over my neighbor, just projecting that she isn't getting much work and her agency doesn't send her out anymore. By the time she got up to leave, my neighbor may have slotted in a few sentences. 

   What I picked up on during the one sided conversation was that she never addressed Why she is failing. Only the domino effect the failure was causing. 

Monday, August 22, 2016

What Do People Say About You?

People Talking In A Group Found on Scoop Blog
Found On ScoopPick
   Most people perk up when their name is being said. It's one of the first words that are taught to us from birth and one of the essential links to our identity. The psychology on our name spans from relationships to sales. We like it when people call us by our name, because we inherently want to be remembered. But what about conversations people have about you

   A study from NCBI called Brain Activation When Hearing One's Own and Others' Names stated, "There is unique brain activation specific to one's own name in relation to the names of others". In sales, you recognize that people are inwardly selfish and respond better when you know their name and let them talk about themselves. So, when a friend or colleague tells you that they were talking about you to someone else, you want to know what they said.  

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Social Media: Unique Ways to Market Your Brand

Bear It All Invite to Troy Solomon's Official Launch Event at Now Boarding Club
   It's truly amazing what you can do now in the world of marketing and advertising. Social Media has taken the world by storm and the brilliant young minds of this world are finding new ways every day to market on this platform. 

   Yesterday my girlfriend and I went to West Hollywood to support our friend Troy Solomon who was throwing an event for the LGBT Community called "Bear It All". With funding from This Free Life, an LGBT anti-smoking company, the event brought people together to celebrate their body image. 

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Why This Restaurant Stood Out

Why this Restaurant Stood Out: Miceli's

   When you walk into any good Italian restaurant, there are some things that are expected. The music playlist is filled with old-time Italian music, the lighting is dimmed to give the romantic mood, and the interior is constructed and decorated to have a true Italian feel.

   Even before walking in, you're struck by the uniqueness this restaurant delivers. They've painted the outer walls in such a way to make the restaurant look like it's connected to an old-town plaza. When we entered, you are hit with the melodious sounds of a real piano being played. 

Friday, August 19, 2016

The Business of Politics

The Business of Politics: Koch Brothers. We're being lied to.
Found on Salon

   If there is one saying that strums the heart-string of America, it's this; "Money Talks". And the realm that it strikes most true in is politics.

   In the land of politics, it's the donors that pull the strings and make the decisions. Election year is like a NASCAR Race, with the only difference being politicians don't wear the labels of who owns them. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Why Today If You Can Tomorrow?

   I used to be a notorious procrastinator, especially in school. I'd wait until the day assignments are due and cram everything in. I actually taught myself to have amazing short-term memory with last minute studying for tests. 

   I was told many times by my mother and step-father to not procrastinate and to get it out of the way. Of course at that age I thought I knew everything, but I came to find out how right they were. 

   As I aged and grew, I learned a lot of life lessons the hard way. Personally I think you have to go through tough events in life caused by bad judgement to truly grasp the levity of each decision, but I digress. Procrastination was one of the top items on the list.

   When I was working as a lead pharmacy technician, I had to compile and turn in a pharmacy report to the Store Manager. I had 2 weeks to do this project and kept putting it off. I figured I could just do it the day of and get away with it. It didn't seem like that hard of a report so I put it aside. 

   The night before the report was due, I partied with my friends and stayed out late. I woke up in a rush and was tardy getting to work, only to discover that the pharmacy was having one of it's biggest days of the year. I ran into the pharmacy to help catch up on all the prescriptions. The whole day I was stressed about getting this report done.

Why Today if You can Tomorrow?
Found on the Odyssey

   Turns out I didn't have a chance to do the report before the manager left. I got called in the next day and somehow walked out without losing my job. Fortunately, I'm excellent at sweet talking when I really need it. Regardless it left me freaked out. 

   When I got home that day, I flopped on my bed and reflected on the past few days. I realized that all this drama and stress was caused by my aptitude for procrastination. That day forward I made a real push for change.

   This habit, like all habits, was very hard to break. Even today, 8 years later, I have to stop myself and redirect my mind to the task at hand. Anything that I have to do, I try to get it done that day or write it down on my to-do list for the next day. 

   If it's a big project, I note it in my calendar with multiple alerts and a due date days before it's actually expected.

Why Today if You can Tomorrow?
Found on uowtv Media
   With doing this, the benefits I've received are pretty awesome: 
  • The stress in my life has decrease immensely 
  • People are impressed by my promptness which helped with employment or sales 
  • Employers loved me and gave me good perks and raises 
  • I can effectively keep on top of anything I'm managing 
  • My businesses run very efficiently.
   Take care of your to-do list today, because you never know what will pop up tomorrow. That should be the real motto. This has been a huge step in creating a happier and healthier life for myself. Try it out and let me know how it worked out.

   Brad Slaughter is a Co-Owner of Try-Fun Fitness & Training, Writer for Inside My Inquisitive Mind, Producer, Entrepreneur and trained in Social Media Marketing By Corsera

   Follow him on Twitter - @bradslaughter89

                  or Facebook - @OfficialBradSlaughter

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Why Are We Paying For Electric?

Why Are We Paying For Electric?: Solar Panels and Wind Turbines
Found on Huffington Post

Why Are We Paying For Electric?

   With all the marketing and social media coverage on alternative energy, Only 13% of electricity in America came from it.

   I am happy that there is a surge in desire for alternative energy. Though being a low percentage, it's progress. 

  That aside, what bothers me is what I see in these pitches and advertisements for alternative energy. Specifically in solar energy.

   The gist of the advertisements go as such, "Go Solar Today and SAVE on your Electric Bill!"... So, what you're telling me is; your company will put panels on or around my house, that collect energy from the sun, and still charge me for energy use? I don't understand.
Why Are We Paying For Electric?: Free Energy
Found on Financial Tribune

   It makes sense to me that General Electric or the Department of Water and Power charges for electric that comes from their plants. They're they ones that burn the fuel that creates the electricity and sends it through power lines that power our homes. Okay, cool. I can reason with that.

   But I cannot reason with paying a company a bi-monthly bill on power I'm generating myself. I don't need the power from the plant or from the power lines to receive energy since there's plenty to spare coming from my roof. 

   Now with the Tesla Battery, I'm confounded at the fact that anyone would have to pay money to a company that does nothing for you...(Ahem IRS...). 

   Of course, it'll probably take a while for those companies to lose that portion of profit. Daily there are still lobbyists that fight for burning fossil fuels for energy, social propaganda spurning alternatives and an utter lack of knowledge in highly conservative states. 

   But, when that all fails the government has their ace in the hole. It is Illegal to produce your own energy and go "Off The Grid".

   On a side note, my gut tells me the reason why GE is airing these commercials stating, "We do other stuff than just energy" is because they understand that the fossil fuel based electric pot will be going dry soon.

   Even today, the money-hungry 1% is still derailing Tesla's dream of having free electricity for all. Maybe it'll be more of a debate once a higher percentage of America is Alternative. That's the hope for a lot of things I suppose. 

   What are your thoughts?

Why Are We Paying For Electric?: Free Energy Tesla Coil
Found on The Mind Unleashed

   Brad Slaughter is a Co-Owner of Try-Fun Fitness & Training, Writer for Inside My Inquisitive Mind, Producer, Entrepreneur and trained in Social Media Marketing By Corsera

   Follow him on Twitter - @bradslaughter89

                  or Facebook - @OfficialBradSlaughter

Monday, August 15, 2016

We Love Being Lied To

We Love Being Lied To: There are lies, there are damn lies, and then there are statistics. Mark Twain
Found on Quotes Gram
   Warning: This post contains daunting material that might make you think morbid thoughts

   On any given day, you wake up to a ringing alarm clock. You groggily turn over to see the measured units of time that is perceived only by the human race as we know it. 

   You get out of bed to make a pot of liquid drugs that are addicting, but wakes you up in an instant. 

   You rush around to get ready for a job that may or may not produce any benefit to society. You hop into the motorized vehicle to head to work. 

    You tucker along on fossil fuels that took upwards of 300 million years to form, but seconds to burn. "30 minutes" later you arrive at your working establishment already stressed. 

   The whole aspect of doing this said job is to "earn" this paper-like material that is technically an IOU from the government. You collect these promissory notes to "pay" for anything you desire. 

   This monetary substance is the most sought-after item in the country, yet is not backed by any trade. More notes are being printed to lessen their so-called value, so you have to make more to attain the same items.

   You report to your institution 5 days a week for a block amount of time to pay for things you are hardly in or use. Your body slowly degenerates from sitting all the time and not moving around. 

   Driving back causes more stress and depression, which leads to the consumption of more drugs or processed food that shouldn't be in your body.
We Love Being Lied To: People Don't Want to Hear The Truth Because they don't want their Illusions Destroyed. Friedrich Nietzsche

   Once you get home you sit on the couch to watch a show or play a game that spews fake realities while you munch on more processed food. After a while you get up to make more fake food from a freezer since you're either too tired or lazy to cook.

   As you look into the reflective pane at night, you see an image you're not fond of. You desire to look like the images of others that sacrifice essential foods needed for a healthy body and are edited on a computer; yet are not motivated enough to put the time and effort in to gain more energy and self-esteem. 

   As you crawl into bed you can't sleep from all the food and drugs you've consumed over the day, which causes more drowsiness the next morning.

   All the while, these are the people that complain about menial lies and secrets. 

   Are the ignorant happier? Would it be better to stay in the dark or to be brought into the light of truth? Which do you do, Seek the Truth or Accept the Lies? 

   I will end this post with this quote:

"Ye Shall Know The Truth, And The Truth Shall Make You Mad" - Aldous Huxley

   Brad Slaughter is a Co-Owner of Try-Fun Fitness & Training, Writer for Inside My Inquisitive Mind, Producer, Entrepreneur and trained in Social Media Marketing By Corsera

   Follow him on Twitter - @bradslaughter89

                  or Facebook - @OfficialBradSlaughter

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Are Video Games Affecting Our Success?

Are Video Games Affection Our Success?: Video Game, Television, Controller, Concentration
Found on Penn State
   Does playing video games affect our desire to succeed in real life? I started thinking about it after forcing myself to stop playing a game on my phone so I could be productive. Is this mental break from reality helping me or hindering me in my quest for attaining my goals? 

   How many of you play video games when you get off of work? Every other American adult does says Pew Research. We all know that video games are fun and time-consuming, but are they distracting us from achieving any dreams we have? Or another daunting question; are video games satisfying our desire for success in a fake world?

   Looking at research done by the Entertainment Software Association (ESA), 42% of Americans play video games 3 hours or more a week. That seems right to me since almost all my friends have a gaming system they play regularly. 

   Are we playing too much? Are they sucking hours away that should be utilized in maintaining relationships and building dreams?

Are Video Games Affection Our Success?: Video Game, Television, Controller, Concentration
Found on Make Use Of

   Video games are a great way to be interactive and zone out from the real world. It doesn't help us in that many ways though. Books help our literacy, language and growth of knowledge. I can't say too many video games can say the same. 

   I also feel it's easier to put down a book to go do something than it is to pull away from a video game. I know plenty of people who don't get things done because they were caught up finishing a level.

   Just about every game I see today has achievements, projects, quests, etc. They latch on to our aspirations of progress. We all want to have the best items or things, and video games have given us a faster way of obtaining success. 

   The drawback is that it's all fake...Excluding people who are paid gamers or design them, nothing that you put into the game will show in the real world. 

   Are people okay with their cubicle jobs now since they have success in a fantasy world? I hear people boast about the level they're at, what boss they've killed, or what car/house they've built. 

   It seems to me our society could be changing from a proactive real world to a proactive fantasy world. What are your thoughts? 

   Brad Slaughter is a Co-Owner of Try-Fun Fitness & Training, Writer for Inside My Inquisitive Mind, Producer, Entrepreneur and trained in Social Media Marketing By Corsera

   Follow him on Twitter - @bradslaughter89

                  or Facebook - @OfficialBradSlaughter

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Crabs In A Bucket Principle: This Could Be Why You're Failing

They Suffer From "Crab in a Bucket Syndrome" They Seek to Keep You away from what they don not understand. They do not know they are harming you
Found on Work At Home Rockstar

   Being the existential thinker that I am, most of my conversations revolve around society, building businesses and the reality of the world. Interestingly, a common thread through most of these conversations involve the "Crabs In A Bucket" principle.

   I call it a principle instead of a syndrome because it's not a hereditary mutation of genes, but a societorial complex that has been ingrained in us for centuries. Especially in the lower classes.

   If you put 1 crab into a bucket, it can easily grab the top of the bucket and lift itself out. Now, if you put just 1 more crab in that bucket, the crabs will not escape. When 1 of the crabs tries to lift themselves out, the other crab will latch on and pull it back down.

   If you're from a small town or low-income urban area, you know exactly what I'm talking about. It's hard to rise up and achieve success when you don't have much support from your peers. 

   Anything that you want to do that's out of the norm, like not partying to study or building a business instead of working at a 9-5, is looked down upon. If you're not doing what they're doing, something is wrong with you. 

They Suffer From "Crab in a Bucket Syndrome" They Seek to Keep You away from what they don not understand. They do not know they are harming you
Found on the Warriors Edge

   Usually, I have found those people had dreams and failed, or they fear failing the dreams they have currently. So if they can't make it, then neither can you. To most, the simple answer they'd say is, "Just move away from there" or "Don't listen to them and keep pushing". I can't explain to you how hard that can be. 

   You grew up there, you want to have fun with everyone else, your friends and family are there, you have no support outside of your area, etc. It's a scary feeling and I don't blame some people for staying.

   When you see inspiring success stories, they usually originate from little wealth and class. But what people forget is the rejection of success factor, which make these stories amazing. 

   You rarely hear of a kid from money being rejected to do the things they dream of. They're encouraged to do these things, and they thrive. 

   Our society has escalated that jealousy factor to such a point that we are keeping people from attaining their goals. We hinder instead of inspire. To all the dreamers out there, take heed. 

   Look at the people around you. Are they lifting you up, or pulling you down? If you are feeling disheartened about your goals and dreams, chances are you might be with the wrong crowd.

   Brad Slaughter is a Co-Owner of Try-Fun Fitness & Training, Writer for Inside My Inquisitive Mind, Producer, Entrepreneur and trained in Social Media Marketing By Corsera

   Follow him on Twitter - @bradslaughter89
                  or Facebook - @OfficialBradSlaughter