Sunday, August 28, 2016

3 Ways To Become An Expert Communicator

3 Ways to Become a better communicator
Found on Linkedin
   One of the most unique qualities of an influential leader is their ability to communicate. Throughout time, a leader's knack to communicate has led armies, countries and movements. Some of the best speeches ever made came from the best communicators the world has seen.

   Although it may seem that this quality is something that you're born with, the truth is quite the opposite. The best communicators had to learn and practice to become the way they were. 

   Just like any other skill out there, knowledge of how the skill works and correctly practicing will lead to massive improvements, if not mastery of the subject. Below are 3 ways to learn and practice what you need to know to become a better communicator.

3 Ways to Become a better communicator: Improv improves many skills
Found on Twin Cities 365
  •  Take Improv Classes - Wait, really? Oh yeah. Improv classes get you out of your shell and teaches you how to create a story with your partner. As Professor Jeffrey Arterbum states in his paper on Communication and the Art of Improvisation, "Improv serves as a communicative method designed for spontaneously solving problems as they arise"

3 Ways to Become a better communicator: Listen to be an excellent Communicator
Found in the Teachers Handbook
  • Listen - The best communicators don't talk as much as you think. Elizabeth Palermo writes about this in a Business News Daily Article. What you don't say might be the most important part of the conversation. You were born with 2 ears and 1 mouth for a reason. Listen to your audience and connect with what their needs are. 
  • Simplify The Complex - Inspired by a Forbes Article from Susan Tardanico, being able to simplify things in this complex world is paramount. Communicators can take the jumble of ideas and strategies, break it down, and provide simple solutions for people to understand.

   There are so many rules, steps and ways you can utilize to become an excellent communicator. These 3 practices give you the most essential communicative qualities while offering stimulation for your mind. 

   If you're having trouble communicating, I urge you to try these out. Growth is induced through change and dedication. Post a comment if these ways work for you.

     Brad Slaughter is a Co-Owner of Try-Fun Fitness & Training, Writer for Inside My Inquisitive Mind, Producer, Entrepreneur and trained in Social Media Marketing By Corsera

   Follow him on

Twitter- @bradslaughter89                                                                                              or Facebook - @OfficialBradSlaughter

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