Friday, September 2, 2016

It's All A Numbers Game

It's All A Numbers Game: keyboard
Found on Time 2 Mrkt
  For the past few months I've been studying Social Marketing through Coursera. Since I've been taking the course, I've been testing out the teachings I have learned with much success. I recommend this specialization to anyone who wants to make it in this new and advanced world.

   Lately though, I've been thinking about the whole aspect of marketing, especially in social media. The further I delve into it the more I realize that it's a numbers game, with people being the numeral entity.

   When taught how to market in the social landscape, there are many avenues that are tested to see which holds water. We categorize responses into "positive, negative, and neutral" with algorithms so we can easily analyze our marketing approach.

   Most of the time, marketers just look at the consolidated numbers instead of the responses to see what the reaction was. This gives marketers a Real-Time response from their markets, which is invaluable in this fast-paced age.

It's All A Numbers Game: keyboard and dice
Found on eHarmony

   In the social media scene, I'm sure you only know a few handfuls of people that follow you. It's crazy to think that so many people follow me and watch what I do in my life, and I've never met them face-to-face. But if you want to do anything in this world now, you need to have a big following.

   I suppose we're used to being numbers. We have a social security number, drivers licence number, school ID or Work ID numbers, etc. It would probably be easier to have numbers instead of names, but of course that would take away some of our humanity. 

   But, just think about it. We're living in a world close to George Orwell's 1984. If we don't keep an eye on where society is going, we might just be greeted as our numbers from a 'Big Brother' Screen. 

   It sounds crazy, but right now in today's marketing, marketers can pop up ads wherever you go see your transaction history and most recent product views. Lets see where it goes. 

It's All A Numbers Game: Big Brother is Watching You
Found on Human Events

     Brad Slaughter is a Co-Owner of Try-Fun Fitness & Training, Writer for Inside My Inquisitive Mind, Producer, Entrepreneur and trained in Social Media Marketing By Corsera

   Follow him on

Twitter- @bradslaughter89                                                                                              or Facebook - @OfficialBradSlaughter

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