Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Why Today If You Can Tomorrow?

   I used to be a notorious procrastinator, especially in school. I'd wait until the day assignments are due and cram everything in. I actually taught myself to have amazing short-term memory with last minute studying for tests. 

   I was told many times by my mother and step-father to not procrastinate and to get it out of the way. Of course at that age I thought I knew everything, but I came to find out how right they were. 

   As I aged and grew, I learned a lot of life lessons the hard way. Personally I think you have to go through tough events in life caused by bad judgement to truly grasp the levity of each decision, but I digress. Procrastination was one of the top items on the list.

   When I was working as a lead pharmacy technician, I had to compile and turn in a pharmacy report to the Store Manager. I had 2 weeks to do this project and kept putting it off. I figured I could just do it the day of and get away with it. It didn't seem like that hard of a report so I put it aside. 

   The night before the report was due, I partied with my friends and stayed out late. I woke up in a rush and was tardy getting to work, only to discover that the pharmacy was having one of it's biggest days of the year. I ran into the pharmacy to help catch up on all the prescriptions. The whole day I was stressed about getting this report done.

Why Today if You can Tomorrow?
Found on the Odyssey

   Turns out I didn't have a chance to do the report before the manager left. I got called in the next day and somehow walked out without losing my job. Fortunately, I'm excellent at sweet talking when I really need it. Regardless it left me freaked out. 

   When I got home that day, I flopped on my bed and reflected on the past few days. I realized that all this drama and stress was caused by my aptitude for procrastination. That day forward I made a real push for change.

   This habit, like all habits, was very hard to break. Even today, 8 years later, I have to stop myself and redirect my mind to the task at hand. Anything that I have to do, I try to get it done that day or write it down on my to-do list for the next day. 

   If it's a big project, I note it in my calendar with multiple alerts and a due date days before it's actually expected.

Why Today if You can Tomorrow?
Found on uowtv Media
   With doing this, the benefits I've received are pretty awesome: 
  • The stress in my life has decrease immensely 
  • People are impressed by my promptness which helped with employment or sales 
  • Employers loved me and gave me good perks and raises 
  • I can effectively keep on top of anything I'm managing 
  • My businesses run very efficiently.
   Take care of your to-do list today, because you never know what will pop up tomorrow. That should be the real motto. This has been a huge step in creating a happier and healthier life for myself. Try it out and let me know how it worked out.

   Brad Slaughter is a Co-Owner of Try-Fun Fitness & Training, Writer for Inside My Inquisitive Mind, Producer, Entrepreneur and trained in Social Media Marketing By Corsera

   Follow him on Twitter - @bradslaughter89

                  or Facebook - @OfficialBradSlaughter

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