Friday, August 5, 2016

Thoughts On A Ferry

Seattle Ferry, Thoughts on a Ferry

   As the ferry is gliding towards the Seattle Bay, I’m looking out the window and pondering the ways of the world. The Isle is so beautiful. Full of forest filled inlets, sail boats and beach houses under a bright blue sky. I watch the people around me, playing cheerfully and gawking at the birds and scenery. Not a care in the world, or maybe they’re just good at hiding it… How interesting it is that this world we see is all ours to share, animal and humans alike, yet we found a way not to appreciate it by being run by money.

   I have yet to understand why we run the world this way. Prime example is a father asking his kids right next to me, “How much are you willing to pay? What’s it worth to you for the donuts? I’ll write up the contracts.” It’s all in jest I know, but it’s an ingrained mindset in every human.

Thoughts on A Ferry, Money Rules Our Mind
Found on Tekton Ministries

   Everything costs money. It amazes me that we have to pay a certain amount to receive anything we can produce ourselves, but if we try to collect certain things like rain water it’s illegal. You can only see and do things if you have money. You have to work “that job” to “pay the bills”. You can’t do what you’re passionate about because “There’s no money in it” or “I don’t have enough money to start it up”. Everyone is stressed because they owe people money and barely make the rent. Why can’t people just sit on a ferry and be happy? The truth is we do it to ourselves.

   The only reasons why our world runs like this on a societorial level are because enough people believe in it, or a person in power made it a rule and not enough people rejected it.

   Close your eyes and think on this. Picture a world that had no money. A world where you gave your share to humanity and lived life. All of your money problems disappeared because money didn't exist anymore.

   How did you feel? Happy? It feels good right?

   Constructs, beliefs, rules etc. are in life because of what we believe and what we accept. The way the world starts to change begins only when we begin altering our minds on a worldwide scale.

     Brad Slaughter is a Co-Owner of Try-Fun Fitness & Training, Writer for Inside My Inquisitive Mind, Producer, Entrepreneur and trained in Social Media Marketing By Corsera

   Follow him on

Twitter- @bradslaughter89                                                                                              or Facebook - @OfficialBradSlaughter

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