Thursday, August 25, 2016

3 Rules You Need To Follow To Be A Great Leader

3 Rules You Need to Follow to be a Great Leader: Lincoln, Mandella, Gandhi
Found on Isha

  Being a leader is a huge responsibility that cannot be taken lightly. As a leader, you are now in a role where people follow your command and look up to you. There are many leaders out there, but it takes some special knowledge to be great.

   Great leaders have laid the groundwork for new social systems, freed people from slavery and servitude, and have stood up to evil powers that gave rise to a collective humanity. 

   These leaders were not born this way. They had to learn just like we do. Here are 3 rules they followed diligently that you need to become a great leader like them.

3 Rules You Need to Follow To Be A Great Leader: John C Maxwell
Found on Nordic Business Forum
  • Great Leaders Communicate - Great leaders know how to connect with their followers. A Forbes Leadership article written by Mike Myatt explains the 10 Secrets of Communication. The main premise of the article states that great leaders speak about their ideas in a way that strikes your emotions and aspirations. Their talks move you to follow and support.
3 Rules You Need to Follow To Be A Great Leader: Richard Branson
Found on Raconteur
  • Great Leaders Have Purpose - In a Huffington Post article by Shannon Schuyler, purpose must be the "guidepost, the North Star" in decision-making. Everything that a great leader does has purpose behind it. They not only walk with purpose, but talk and take action with it. They lead by example, which inspires others to follow.
3 Rules You Need to Follow To Be A Great Leader: Martin Luther King
Found on Leader Impact

   Great leaders utilize servitude, communication and purpose as the basis of their platform. With it, people are driven and inspired to follow you to wherever you want to go. 

   Take these rules with you and keep them close. If you use these rules as your "guidepost", you'll rise to be a great leader that can move mountains. 

     Brad Slaughter is a Co-Owner of Try-Fun Fitness & Training, Writer for Inside My Inquisitive Mind, Producer, Entrepreneur and trained in Social Media Marketing By Corsera.      Follow him on  Twitter- @bradslaughter89                                                                                              or Facebook - @OfficialBradSlaughter
     Brad Slaughter is a Co-Owner of Try-Fun Fitness & Training, Writer for Inside My Inquisitive Mind, Producer, Entrepreneur and trained in Social Media Marketing By Corsera

   Follow him on

Twitter- @bradslaughter89                                                                                              or Facebook - @OfficialBradSlaughter

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