Wednesday, August 3, 2016

The Shores of Zen

Brad Slaughter at La Push Beach in Washington State

The Shores of Zen

   As the waves roll in from the Pacific, the roaring water crashes against the rocks and stretches out to touch the sand.

   The light off-white clouds blanket the sky for a dim glow. The mist coming off the ocean sprays the coastline. Trees and driftwood line the coast, guarding entry into the forest beyond. Clusters of river rock are sprinkled up and down the coast, with the occasional boulders and seaweed that compliment them. Tall, Island-sized rocks lay in the water just out of reach.

   A constant cool breeze streams in and wraps around my body. The mixture of crisp salt water and coastal redwood fills the air. My eyes are open wide trying to memorize and record every detail. The beach is my home away from home.

   There's a comfort at this specific beach that I have not felt in a while. All the sounds, temperatures, and sensations calm and relax my body. All my worries escaped me, leaving me full of wandering thought and joy. It was pure bliss.

Brad Slaughter at La Push Beach in Washington State

   Sitting on a rock I stared out into the expanse of the ocean. It was so freeing just sitting there. I thought about the amazing intricacies that this beautiful world gifts to us on a daily basis. I was able to completely detach from the man-made constructs, and for those couple hours I was completely present in the moment. 

   We walked up and down the coastline witnessing one of the most beautiful beaches I have ever seen. I was walking around in a perma-meditative trance that heightened every sense in my body. I felt so connected to the Earth and the friends around me. I needed this. 

Brad Slaughter at La Push Beach in Washington State

   I've never felt so calm and alive at the same time. My state of joy was explainable and I still feel it today as I am writing this. The beach re-energized and rejuvenated me. My thoughts flow freely and are not trapped behind the walls of complexity and society. Every time I have a block or feel the pressure of stress, I will listen and watch the numerous videos I took to bring me back to this special place.  

     Brad Slaughter is a Co-Owner of Try-Fun Fitness & Training, Writer for Inside My Inquisitive Mind, Producer, Entrepreneur and trained in Social Media Marketing By Corsera

   Follow him on

Twitter- @bradslaughter89                                                                                              or Facebook - @OfficialBradSlaughter

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