Sunday, July 31, 2016

Down The Rabbit Hole

Down the Rabbit Hole: Alice in Wonderland
Found on Strategic Socery
   Yesterday my girlfriend and I had a very nice dinner with an old friend of mine. After eating some amazing food that he cooked, we lounged and talked for a while. 

   After a few drinks, our conversation steered to plausible future outcomes. We spoke of numerous ideas from aliens contacting us on a worldwide scale to Elon Musk's idea that our life is a simulation. For each one, putting aside our beliefs, we spoke on what we would do and what our reactions would be if these outcomes were to happen. 

   This is what I like to call, "Going down the rabbit hole". Imagining yourself in a world where a certain outcome happens and putting yourself smack in the middle of it. I feel it's an excellent way to open your mind to yourself and others around you. Since the outcomes are so varied and of different depths, there's never one answer to any of the situations. You get to witness a person's thought process of realization and solution along with your own. 
   To me, it lets me experience a person's core beliefs, and in a way their primal beliefs. If someone where to be proved they were completely wrong in their beliefs, how would they deal with it? Would they fight for freedom of the race or creed, or would they let someone else do that so they could take care of the weak? These situations delve into various archetypes, such as the warrior and the healer. 

   If you want to work with someone, this might be an interesting way of learning about them. It lets you know whether they're open enough with you to share these thoughts, or closed and guarded. I'm accepting of any belief, as long as it abides by Natural Law, but would it be wise of me to work with someone who cannot think outside their own beliefs? There are a plethora of ideologies out there, why not be open and accepting of them? 

   If you were able to be in someone's shoes and see the world how they see it, that level of understanding would break down walls and procure friendships. It would give both parties a view of how they handle situations, how they think, and a bond that goes deeper than normal friendship.

     Brad Slaughter is a Co-Owner of Try-Fun Fitness & Training, Writer for Inside My Inquisitive Mind, Producer, Entrepreneur and trained in Social Media Marketing By Corsera

   Follow him on

Twitter- @bradslaughter89                                                                                              or Facebook - @OfficialBradSlaughter

Saturday, July 30, 2016

How Are You Doing Today?

   The lack of communication between people today blows my mind. Putting aside your phones and tablets, do you talk to other people in a public place in person? Do you know how much it would make that person's day to just say hello to them? 

   Yesterday my girlfriend and I went to the Apple Store in the mall to see if her computer could get fixed. From the car to the store, I think I witnessed only one face-to-face conversation. Once we were inside, there were plenty of conversations happening, because people have to talk to the techs to get their stuff fixed or to buy something. 

   Regardless, it was pleasant to see. The customers were happier inside the store than they were in the mall since each tech welcomed you with a smile and engaged each and every customer. When we were shown our seats, a tech promptly came up to help us. 

   His name was Aaron. The way he spoke and interacted with us was very warm and inviting. He was adept in customer relations. As he was going through the diagnostics, I asked him, "How are you doing today?". 
How Are You Doing Today? Ask This And People Will Smile
Found on Huffington Post

   He stopped what he was doing and stared at me for a few seconds. I looked at him straight in the eyes and held a smile. Once he broke from his trance he smiled back and said he's having a great day. He went on to say that he rarely has someone ask how his day is going. Throughout the rest of the service I learned all about what he loves and does for a living. He helped us so much and gave us the best advice to solve our problems.

   The easiest way to make friends, influence people, and to bring out the best in someone is to take interest in them. This world is encompassed by instant gratification and taking. The more we give, the more we receive. I challenge you to take interest in someone today. Ask them how they're doing and what they're interests are. You'd be amazed at the impact you give to that person and how your life becomes more enriched because of it.

     Brad Slaughter is a Co-Owner of Try-Fun Fitness & Training, Writer for Inside My Inquisitive Mind, Producer, Entrepreneur and trained in Social Media Marketing By Corsera

   Follow him on

Twitter- @bradslaughter89                                                                                              or Facebook - @OfficialBradSlaughter

Friday, July 29, 2016

It Only Takes One

It Only Takes One to Feel Motivated Again! Thumbs Up for That!
Found on Guff
   Yesterday I hit the first of many walls that everyone hits when they are starting their own enterprise. For me, the enterprise is my Podcast "Why Don't We Question That?". The podcast is about questioning items and agenda's that this government or society creates and perpetuates. When I started it I was full of excitement and knew that it would shed light on things that I feel are important for the country to understand. 

   But yesterday was a hard day for me. I finished up my 3rd episode, was proud of it, but looked at my stats before I posted the episode. The low amount of views and downloads depressed me a bit. I know that I have to keep plugging away at it, but come on, I should have been able to have more than what I had...I started to question why I started it. Did anyone want to hear what I had to say? Did anyone care? 

   I didn't post the podcast until my girlfriend and I were about to leave for a get-together. I did this for 2 reasons: Firstly because you get more viewership after 6 PM when people are off of work and secondly because I wanted to post it and walk away. I didn't want to keep refreshing the screen for 30 minutes to see the stats. 

It Only Takes One to Feel Motivated Again! Thumbs Up for That!
Found on Thumbs and Ammo Blog

   When we got to the party, I pushed those negative thoughts to the back burner and kept my mind in the present moment of enjoyment. When the drinks kept coming, a group of us naturally started talking about the usual stuff, science and politics. I weaved my podcast into the conversation not for a promotional purpose, but to explain that I've been talking about these exact conversations on there. A girl in the group explained that her dad had a talk radio show speaking on the exact topics I was! It felt so good to talk about my passions and express them to a group of people, instead of into a microphone and to my family. She was so interested in the conversation that she wrote down my podcast to listen to later!

   The fire started burning again, and with more intensity. As I was driving home I was elated and had a flow of new ideas swarming around in my head. It only took that one girl to take interest in my passion to spark that flame again.

   This morning I plugged away at promoting the podcast and within an hour I got 50 more downloads! Your passion is what will bring your success.  

   I have a very supporting girlfriend and family, and I'm very thankful for that every day. But to organically see other people take interest in what I love, helps to keep me going. Without them, I wouldn't be able to someday make enough of a living where I can focus on just my dream and help others achieve the same too. 

   If you're feeling down about your passion, go out and talk to people that are like minded. Bring it up in conversation and you'll be amazed at the love you'll receive. It's worth so much. It only takes one person to light that fire again.  

     Brad Slaughter is a Co-Owner of Try-Fun Fitness & Training, Writer for Inside My Inquisitive Mind, Producer, Entrepreneur and trained in Social Media Marketing By Corsera.      Follow him on   Twitter- @bradslaughter89                                                                                              or Facebook - @OfficialBradSlaughter
     Brad Slaughter is a Co-Owner of Try-Fun Fitness & Training, Writer for Inside My Inquisitive Mind, Producer, Entrepreneur and trained in Social Media Marketing By Corsera

   Follow him on

Twitter- @bradslaughter89                                                                                              or Facebook - @OfficialBradSlaughter

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Take A Walk

Take A Walk GIF
Found on Herondaled
   Recently I have noticed that I haven't had as much energy as I usually have. I've been waking up later and drinking more coffee. Yesterday I was thinking about it while I was on my way to drop off a package. I took an Uber to the post office and sent the package off. When I walked outside, the sun was shining and the street traffic was low, so I started walking towards home. I wanted to go a few blocks down so it'd be easier to get a ride back. But as I walked a few blocks, I started feeling a lot better and more awake. I could smell the jasmine in the distance and it changed my mind. I plugged my headphones in and kept walking.

   I instantly realized why I haven't had any energy lately. Since I've taken an extended break from the entertainment industry, I haven't been walking as much. And I haven't been running lately. I've been flying around doing different things the past few months or so which has affected my energy levels. 

   The classic rock and the amazing smells of the flowering trees that line the residential streets flooded me with happiness. The sun was beaming down and giving me some much needed vitamin D. The vigorous walking got my blood flowing and a good sweat on. I was able to zone out and focus on what I wanted to talk about for my next Podcast. My thoughts were crisp and clear. Ideas were rushing in.

   The walk took about 25 minutes and spanned about 2 miles. When I walked into my place I was energized and ready to write. I got so many things done yesterday that I've been wanting to do for a week. The walk refreshed me. I slept better last night and I woke up earlier today. It's my body telling me that I was missing this much needed activity in my life. 

   If you're having a writers block, feel unproductive, or don't have a lot of energy; take a walk. Put on some feel good music or a podcast, leave the confines of your office or home and zone out. Let your mind wander and create. Your brain needs it for the exercise and as a catalyst for creativity.  

     Brad Slaughter is a Co-Owner of Try-Fun Fitness & Training, Writer for Inside My Inquisitive Mind, Producer, Entrepreneur and trained in Social Media Marketing By Corsera.      Follow him on   Twitter- @bradslaughter89                                                                                              or Facebook - @OfficialBradSlaughter
     Brad Slaughter is a Co-Owner of Try-Fun Fitness & Training, Writer for Inside My Inquisitive Mind, Producer, Entrepreneur and trained in Social Media Marketing By Corsera

   Follow him on

Twitter- @bradslaughter89                                                                                              or Facebook - @OfficialBradSlaughter

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Climb That Tree

The Tree I climbed to get in. Climb that tree.

   Yesterday afternoon I was sitting on the couch in the common area reading a great book. I was waiting for the sauna to heat up so I could do my daily detox while the laundry was in the drier. The day was looking great until I realized something was missing.. I forgot my keys inside my place and the door was locked.

   Over the next 30 minutes I tried picking the lock unsuccessfully with whatever I saw around me, contacted my landlord by email since I didn't have her phone number, and asked my girlfriend when she was coming back home. 

   The whole time while I walked back and forth from my front door to the commons area, I kept passing the tree that was in front of my living room window. I thought about climbing the tree but there was a neighbor that I didn't know at the pool and I didn't want to freak her out trying to break into my own place. 

   So I went back into the commons area and started reading again, letting my mind wander and think about what I should do next. I knew that climbing the tree was the only option to get in immediately, but I was holding myself back for fear of being watched. It was weird because I normally would do this sort of thing without thinking twice.

   I sat there unsuccessfully trying to read my book when a good friend and neighbor strolled over to say hi. I told him that I locked myself out and the first thing that came out of his mouth was, "You wanna Climb That Tree?" 
   With new inspiration, I quickly went over to the tree to inspect how I was going to climb it. It had a pretty steep slope, jutted away from the window and I was only wearing flip-flops. Being the risk-taker that I usually am I decided to do it and think later. I took off my flip-flops and went up bare-footed. Trying to unlock my inner ape, I held onto a thick branch with one hand and steadied myself with my feet on the sloping tree. Once I was even with the window, I realized I couldn't undo the screen with my fingers. 

   Instead of giving up, I asked my awesome neighbor for a flat head screwdriver to open it. While I was waiting for him to get it, I was holding myself in that 30 degree angle with one arm. It wasn't the best of feelings, but I was determined. Once I received my tool, I had to lean even further out to unhitch the screen and push aside the window. Once I was able to do that I hit the hard part, climbing in..

   There was about 3 feet between me and the window. I had to climb up the tree further to get a better angle and to be able to grab onto the sill with both hands. Now about 7 feet in the air I was scared to fall, but still hardheadedly determined. When I got into position, I gave myself a 3 count and thrust myself onto the window. Thankfully I had enough strength to lift me up and pull myself in. 

   I was elated by my accomplishment and the fact that I pushed myself through the struggles. I climbed that tree.

   In life there are a lot of trees that you'll need to climb to succeed. It might be scary, it might be steep, it will be very uncomfortable, obstacles will stall you, but keep pressing on. Once you have decided to push forward, the tools and the ability to accomplish the goal will come to you. Everyone has the power to succeed, you just need to keep climbing that tree.

     Brad Slaughter is a Co-Owner of Try-Fun Fitness & Training, Writer for Inside My Inquisitive Mind, Producer, Entrepreneur and trained in Social Media Marketing By Corsera.      Follow him on   Twitter- @bradslaughter89                                                                                              or Facebook - @OfficialBradSlaughter
     Brad Slaughter is a Co-Owner of Try-Fun Fitness & Training, Writer for Inside My Inquisitive Mind, Producer, Entrepreneur and trained in Social Media Marketing By Corsera

   Follow him on

Twitter- @bradslaughter89                                                                                              or Facebook - @OfficialBradSlaughter

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Who Are You Voting For?

Who Are You Voting For?
Found on Battison's Blog
This 2-Party system is getting ridiculous. Why is it that Jamaica, Malta and America are the only countries in the world today that stick, ineptly I feel, to this system?

   The fact that we as Americans still think we are a democratic nation that's free and gives the people the right to vote for who they want is laughable. Stealing this word from Real Clear Politics, what we have is a duopoly. 

   What really boggles my mind is when I'm speaking to people who "have" to vote for a specific party. Why is it that when I ask them where their beliefs lie, it usually slots in with a minority party? But yet they vote for one of the duopolies? WHY?!

   There's a very simple reason really. Take this story as an example:
   A mother and her child walk into a candy store, and the child is amazed by all the selections of candy that can be eaten. The mother sees the child's amusement, but heads straight to the register. On the register are the 2 main brands of candy on display. The mother has seen both of these candy bars on television and in the newspaper, and even has had some good reviews from peers around her. She has not heard much of the other plethora of candy bars in the store, so she doesn't give them much mind. Steering the child's eyes from the other candy, she holds those 2 candy bars in front of child's face and says, "You have a choice of only these 2 candy bars, pick one". The child looks away and exclaims, "But mom, this one over here looks really, really good. I want that one!". The mother shakes her head and scolds the child, "You will pick one of these, or you will not have any". 

Child picking candy is like choosing a political party
Found on Having Life

   I just don't think people understand what they're ACTUALLY voting for and how hypocritical they are for voting as such. A few examples are gay, atheist conservatives or gun-toting, materialist liberals (Remember people, Trump was a Liberal until he changed his mind again). 

   Look, I don't care what your desires are, who you like, what you like to do, or what you want to accomplish; as long as it follows Natural Law. What I want to see are people who stand up for what they really believe in, instead of forcing themselves to pick from a two-party system.

   In today's politics, it's like the parties are throwing it in the people's faces at how corrupt they can be and still get away with it. It's disgraceful and disgusting with the breaking news that has come about the past few weeks, from the RNC's outright negligence of their own delegates to DNC's email leak. Even the fact of having to vote Democrat so Trump doesn't get in is a slap in the face. Yet, with all of these things going on, we still choose one side or the other...

   Stop being scared America! Set a precedent in this election by voting for who you want, not who you have to vote for. If you think the elections are rigged, which it's a good chance it is, then a good way to change it is by getting other parties voted in; not just for the presidency, but also for congress as well. Change happens when we change as a populous. 

     Brad Slaughter is a Co-Owner of Try-Fun Fitness & Training, Writer for Inside My Inquisitive Mind, Producer, Entrepreneur and trained in Social Media Marketing By Corsera

   Follow him on

Twitter- @bradslaughter89                                                                                              or Facebook - @OfficialBradSlaughter

Monday, July 25, 2016

My Biggest Fear

My biggest Fear
Found on
    Fear is the second biggest proponent statistically on effectiveness of getting things done, even though it's the most widely used in the world. Just take a look at our news and political leaders and you'll see it.

   Fear is ingrained in everyone and it speaks louder than hope for most people, even though hope is the strongest device. I relate it to how air flows. Hot air, being fear, rises and cold air, hope, stays low to the ground. You'll hear a lot of talk coming from someone who fears something, but hope is quite. Hope is the voice inside your head telling you to keep going. Fear is one on the other shoulder telling you how embarrassing it will be when you fail.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Looking Through Different Eyes

Flip Flop Fest T-shirt with caricature drawling from Kool Skull
Drawing by Kool Skull

Looking Through Different Eyes

   For years I have pondered about what another person's perception of me was. Not in a need for acceptance way, but just curious about what they see. You can look in the mirror or in pictures and see yourself from an outside perspective, but not in the day to day when nobody is filming and you cannot see yourself. 

   Yesterday I was able to physically see the way someone perceived me. My girlfriend and I went to an annual party called Flip Flop Fest. It's an awesome competition with lots of drink, food, activities to build your own flip flops, and a runway show with prizes. 

   Building on what I wrote about yesterday, I wanted to shake hands with as many people as I could and get to know something about each of them. We were at the party for about 6 hours and I was able to meet and learn from many aspiring artists, musicians and people who wouldn't ever work the industry. This one particular story involves a really interesting guy named Kool Skull, and his drawing of me.

   A while into the party my girlfriend and I walked into one of the many apartments that line the alley. We ran into a few people at the start of the kitchen and this guy catches my eye. He had a cool vibe about him and we started talking. Kool Skull showed me his awesome graphic drawings and talked about some of his dreams and goals. After one conversation flowed into the next, he took out a pen and paper. As we were talking he would study my face and scribble here and there. By the time he had to go 15 minutes later he handed me the picture he drew inside a clear sleeve. I was thrilled to see he was drawing me. 

   I showed my girlfriend and a few people surrounding me the picture with pride. I love gifts like these. A few people looked at it and then at me and said, "It kind of looks like you". 

   It blows me away sometimes at how different each person sees the world and the people, places and things that inhabit it. I like the picture very much and I think it looks very much like me, in the way Kool Skull saw me. The ones who disagree see me a different way. 

   Just makes you think. If you aren't the person you see in the mirror, then what do you look like? Who are you? You're not just the person you tell yourself you are, you are the person other people see too. Are those different?  

     Brad Slaughter is a Co-Owner of Try-Fun Fitness & Training, Writer for Inside My Inquisitive Mind, Producer, Entrepreneur and trained in Social Media Marketing By Corsera

   Follow him on

Twitter- @bradslaughter89                                                                                              or Facebook - @OfficialBradSlaughter

Saturday, July 23, 2016

What if I Died Today?

What If I died Today?
Found on 123 HD Wallpapers
   I woke up this morning and still felt tired. I stayed in bed, closed my eyes and a thought came to my mind. What if I died today? Would I be happy with what I've accomplished in my life? Have I succeeded in any aspect?

   I thought about what success actually meant. I know that there are many different types of success, so I listed them in my head. Monetary, Social, Family and Community are the ones that came to mind. 

Friday, July 22, 2016

Justifiable Killing

Woman shooting two pistols, Shadowfall
Found on ShadowsFall
    What makes killing justified? I see shows, movies and real things that happen on the news and it drives me to think about this. 2 instances that have happened recently come to mind.

    We've all seen the violence that has been flooding the news as of late. Even though this has been happening for a long time, the big rush of media springs from the #blacklivesmatter movement. The killing that has happened has been horrible. Innocent lives were taken, I feel on both sides. When the cops got shot by snipers and I started seeing the comments praising what happened, I questioned the motives and thought process of those who praised it. Were those cops not innocent? I think so. Not all cops are bad, just like not all Muslims are bad, just like not all of the Gay community are Democrats, just like not all White people are bigots and racists. 

    I've been reading an excellent book written by William T. Vollmann called "Rising Up and Rising Down". The premise behind the book that has been combined from a series of 7 volumes resides around all types of violence. He tells stories from the past or personal stories of his travels to extremely violent places and talks about whether or not each instance was justified. This book has helped develop my sense of critical thinking on these subjects. After reading through suicide, which was a very powerful chapter that solidified some beliefs that I had, I've reached the chapter on killing for a cause. I feel this chapter reflects on a plethora of events that are happening today.

   Now, back to the previous paragraph, I don't feel it was justified on the premise that the lives were innocent. Those cops were not the ones who did the horrible deed. The killings on both sides were spurned from hate, not from justice. 

   The second instance is not based in reality, but still makes me think about it. On the show "Bloodline", spoiler alert sorry, John kills Danny to protect his family and his name. Danny has been trying to bring down the whole family due to a childhood event that happened and putting his family in danger from the illegal and criminal acts he caused. Even with all of that, was killing Danny justifiable? Gandhi and MLK would probably say no, but Malcom X and Socrates would probably say yes. It makes you think though. What would you do if you were in that situation? It's easy to choose from just an immediate emotion reaction sitting in your chair, but if you really place yourself in that situation...What would you do?

     Brad Slaughter is a Co-Owner of Try-Fun Fitness & Training, Writer for Inside My Inquisitive Mind, Producer, Entrepreneur and trained in Social Media Marketing By Corsera.      Follow him on   Twitter- @bradslaughter89                                                                                              or Facebook - @OfficialBradSlaughter
     Brad Slaughter is a Co-Owner of Try-Fun Fitness & Training, Writer for Inside My Inquisitive Mind, Producer, Entrepreneur and trained in Social Media Marketing By Corsera

   Follow him on

Twitter- @bradslaughter89                                                                                              or Facebook - @OfficialBradSlaughter

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Pokemon Go!!

    I loved Pokemon and every now and then will play it on the DS, but I feel this has gone a bit far...

    If you haven't seen the droves of people walking around with their phone up in front of their face flicking at something (A thought is now they're at least looking up so maybe their peripherals might work. Wishful thinking.), they'll be coming to your neighborhood soon. Personally I haven't seen the zombies come out during the day. When the night beckons they gather. 

    I know most people have seen videos and news stories about "accidents" that have happened since the launch of this revolutionary app like I have, and I find it interesting. The big thing behind this game is it's primary focus to take the gamer's out of their hobbit hole and into the real sunlit world, and they have accomplished that with making a BOATLOAD of money (It's estimated that within the first few weeks of launching, Nintendo grossed over $7 Billion from in-app purchases alone..)! 

Pokemon Go with bulbasour, charmander and squirtle
Found on Forbes

    Articles and studies have already come out on the benefits of the game. To name a few; mood-boosting from physical activity, healthier social activities between other humans, a positive community setting that gives people a group they can be apart of, education from having pokestops located at historical landmarks and educational areas, and a way to take a break for a bit from work and catch a few pokemon. I'm just not convinced that this is truly beneficial. It might look good on paper, but as usual they're forgetting one aspect, the HUMAN FACTOR..

    At the end of the day it's not real life, and I feel this obsession with the game will bring out a lot more negative than what's already happened. I guess my biggest fear is the game becoming an economy in a sense. It can start producing it's own monetary means of living and working (Not that the American Dollar is worth any more anyways), production of gangs and holdouts at stops, more fights and people clogging the streets, more carbon emissions from people needlessly driving around to get these fake pokemon, losing tons of money and time from driving around, the list goes on and on. 
    I've been around people who are "obsessive" gamers. It's not a pretty site when they get shot, or get mad at a certain aspect of the game. There are threats that even constitute people REALLY hurting others, and now they'll be face-to-face.

    But, maybe the creators are sick Darwinists and feel this will expedite natural selection of the species.. 

    Links to the studies and articles I have read:
     Brad Slaughter is a Co-Owner of Try-Fun Fitness & Training, Writer for Inside My Inquisitive Mind, Producer, Entrepreneur and trained in Social Media Marketing By Corsera

   Follow him on

Twitter- @bradslaughter89                                                                                              or Facebook - @OfficialBradSlaughter

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

"Bloodline" Got Me

Bloodline Cast
Found on Tubefilter

    Last night I was watching "Bloodline" with my girlfriend, and I was astonished by how I felt after watching it. Maybe it's just me but my life felt more of a burden, I felt like I wasn't doing enough and felt like I was holding something back. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

What do you want to be when you grow up?

What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?

What do you want to be when you grow up?
Found on The Odyssey Online

    For the millennials out there that have the attention span of less than a goldfish, (Which is the mass majority of people now that we have smart phones. Don't believe me? Here's a link to one of a plethora of articles on it.) I think this question is ridiculous.

Our attention spans are shorter than a goldfish
Found on Complete Goldfish Care

    Now that I've sent the people who wouldn't read this anyway away, here's a story for you.

Why I'm Writing This

Why I'm Writing This

Hello readers. My name is Brad, it's a pleasure to meet you by way of burning words into your mind. My entire life I have observed the world around me, and it quite confuses me. On a daily basis I stop in my tracks and stare or ponder about why the hell someone or something would do such a thing or be a certain way. I've been told by countless amounts of people that have waltzed through my life to start a journal. Well, I thought I would one up them and share my thoughts with anyone who would care to read these...poor souls. With that being said, thank you for reading if you made it this far, and I hope you enjoy.

     Brad Slaughter is a Co-Owner of Try-Fun Fitness & Training, Writer for Inside My Inquisitive Mind, Producer, Entrepreneur and trained in Social Media Marketing By Corsera.      Follow him on  Twitter- @bradslaughter89                                                                                              or Facebook - @OfficialBradSlaughter
     Brad Slaughter is a Co-Owner of Try-Fun Fitness & Training, Writer for Inside My Inquisitive Mind, Producer, Entrepreneur and trained in Social Media Marketing By Corsera

   Follow him on

Twitter- @bradslaughter89                                                                                              or Facebook - @OfficialBradSlaughter