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Found on SAMatters.com http://www.samatters.com/explanations-situational-awareness-insanity-part-5/ |
Fear is ingrained in everyone and it speaks louder than hope for most people, even though hope is the strongest device. I relate it to how air flows. Hot air, being fear, rises and cold air, hope, stays low to the ground. You'll hear a lot of talk coming from someone who fears something, but hope is quite. Hope is the voice inside your head telling you to keep going. Fear is one on the other shoulder telling you how embarrassing it will be when you fail.
There's a reason why most people don't succeed and stay in their "safe" zone. Throughout the history of the world, humans have had fear ingrained in them as the primary source of their motivation. Anything from the God-FEARING religions to the FEAR of the Monarch to the FEAR of not doing what everyone else is doing. Leaders of many countries and nations have and still utilize this method to keep the masses in line and under control. The phrase "If it ain't broke don't fix it" comes to mind. They have no reason to change it if there is no recourse for change to their actions.
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Found on Beliefnet http://www.beliefnet.com/inspiration/christian-inspiration.aspx |
Why is it that leaders who instill hope into people rarely get elected? Personally I feel the masses have a huge case of Stockholm Syndrome. We are so used to fear in our everyday lives that we feed on it. It's the main cause for our anger and violence. The leaders that spew hate and fear rise up like hot air, not because it's what people want. It's because they don't know how to hope anymore.
Who wants the violence to stop? You? How about you there in the back row? You too?
What things did you do today that were the onset of fear? Did you flick someone off on the road? Yell at someone for this or that reason? Secluded someone from a conversation because he/she isn't apart of the "group"? Guess what, you're causing fear. Fear destroys self image and self confidence.
Fear is easy to inflict and seen as normal to most. It's harder, but more rewarding to all parties to induce hope. Think before you speak. Don't just lash out harsh words. Self-control in this instant-gratification world could do us all some good.
Give a smile whenever you can. Help people. Tell someone they look beautiful/handsome today. Include someone new in the group. If we start to change that today, we might see a future of hope.
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Brad Slaughter is a Co-Owner of Try-Fun Fitness & Training, Writer for Inside My Inquisitive Mind, Producer, Entrepreneur and trained in Social Media Marketing By Corsera.
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Twitter- @bradslaughter89 or Facebook - @OfficialBradSlaughter
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