Wednesday, July 20, 2016

"Bloodline" Got Me

Bloodline Cast
Found on Tubefilter

    Last night I was watching "Bloodline" with my girlfriend, and I was astonished by how I felt after watching it. Maybe it's just me but my life felt more of a burden, I felt like I wasn't doing enough and felt like I was holding something back. 

    I don't watch too many TV shows because I like to spend my time wisely and not be a couch potato, but this show hits me hard like "Unreal" does. Maybe I can relate to "Bloodline" because of all the family drama and stupid stuff I've done in the past (I know I can definitely relate to "Unreal". I've worked on a reality show and trust me the story they're doing is not far fetched.). 

    But here's my point. If shows like that can have that much of an impact on me from one or two episodes, what has been the effect on society on a psychological basis in terms of violence? The amount of violence we show in television matches how much nudity is shown in other countries. What if we were to switch that around? I know the Religious Communities would not appreciate this, but studies have shown the benefits of exposure of nudity. Whereas there are increasing amounts of studies that show negative effects to watching or playing violent media (links below). What do you think?

     Brad Slaughter is a Co-Owner of Try-Fun Fitness & Training, Writer for Inside My Inquisitive Mind, Producer, Entrepreneur and trained in Social Media Marketing By Corsera

   Follow him on

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