Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Climb That Tree

The Tree I climbed to get in. Climb that tree.

   Yesterday afternoon I was sitting on the couch in the common area reading a great book. I was waiting for the sauna to heat up so I could do my daily detox while the laundry was in the drier. The day was looking great until I realized something was missing.. I forgot my keys inside my place and the door was locked.

   Over the next 30 minutes I tried picking the lock unsuccessfully with whatever I saw around me, contacted my landlord by email since I didn't have her phone number, and asked my girlfriend when she was coming back home. 

   The whole time while I walked back and forth from my front door to the commons area, I kept passing the tree that was in front of my living room window. I thought about climbing the tree but there was a neighbor that I didn't know at the pool and I didn't want to freak her out trying to break into my own place. 

   So I went back into the commons area and started reading again, letting my mind wander and think about what I should do next. I knew that climbing the tree was the only option to get in immediately, but I was holding myself back for fear of being watched. It was weird because I normally would do this sort of thing without thinking twice.

   I sat there unsuccessfully trying to read my book when a good friend and neighbor strolled over to say hi. I told him that I locked myself out and the first thing that came out of his mouth was, "You wanna Climb That Tree?" 
   With new inspiration, I quickly went over to the tree to inspect how I was going to climb it. It had a pretty steep slope, jutted away from the window and I was only wearing flip-flops. Being the risk-taker that I usually am I decided to do it and think later. I took off my flip-flops and went up bare-footed. Trying to unlock my inner ape, I held onto a thick branch with one hand and steadied myself with my feet on the sloping tree. Once I was even with the window, I realized I couldn't undo the screen with my fingers. 

   Instead of giving up, I asked my awesome neighbor for a flat head screwdriver to open it. While I was waiting for him to get it, I was holding myself in that 30 degree angle with one arm. It wasn't the best of feelings, but I was determined. Once I received my tool, I had to lean even further out to unhitch the screen and push aside the window. Once I was able to do that I hit the hard part, climbing in..

   There was about 3 feet between me and the window. I had to climb up the tree further to get a better angle and to be able to grab onto the sill with both hands. Now about 7 feet in the air I was scared to fall, but still hardheadedly determined. When I got into position, I gave myself a 3 count and thrust myself onto the window. Thankfully I had enough strength to lift me up and pull myself in. 

   I was elated by my accomplishment and the fact that I pushed myself through the struggles. I climbed that tree.

   In life there are a lot of trees that you'll need to climb to succeed. It might be scary, it might be steep, it will be very uncomfortable, obstacles will stall you, but keep pressing on. Once you have decided to push forward, the tools and the ability to accomplish the goal will come to you. Everyone has the power to succeed, you just need to keep climbing that tree.

     Brad Slaughter is a Co-Owner of Try-Fun Fitness & Training, Writer for Inside My Inquisitive Mind, Producer, Entrepreneur and trained in Social Media Marketing By Corsera.      Follow him on   Twitter- @bradslaughter89                                                                                              or Facebook - @OfficialBradSlaughter
     Brad Slaughter is a Co-Owner of Try-Fun Fitness & Training, Writer for Inside My Inquisitive Mind, Producer, Entrepreneur and trained in Social Media Marketing By Corsera

   Follow him on

Twitter- @bradslaughter89                                                                                              or Facebook - @OfficialBradSlaughter

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