Monday, September 12, 2016

Your History is Told By Your Action to Others

Found in Envato Market
Sitting at the pool yesterday, I was listening to a friend talk about a Commanding Officer he met on base. He was working and living with the military on base for a job. Every day, he would explore different parts of the base to take pictures and see this Commanding Officer around 5 PM in the community area. 

   This CO sat down with my friend every day to talk about what he saw and learned. The CO was very receptive to how my friend saw things and what his experiences were. The CO was open to any questions my friend had.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Want to Know the Funny Thing About Destiny?

Want to Know the Funny Thing About Destiny? Suit and Boxing Gloves
Found on Udemy
   Have you ever heard someone tell you that you're "Destined for Great Things"? Like it's a far-gone tale passed down through the generations or foretold in some grand book? Maybe they think that if they say it and you succeed, they can claim some of your success from what they said. 

   Here's the funny thing about destiny. You can talk about it all you want, but it'll never happen unless you work towards it. Sounds crazy I know. Unfortunately, sitting on the couch all day saying, "I'm destined to be a movie star!" won't make you a movie star. 

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Virtual Reality is the True Start to Our Matrix

Virtual Reality is the True Start to Our Matrix
Found on Virtual Reality Reviewer
   The technology we have today is truly fascinating and horrifying. The first computer was created less than a century ago that was as big as a house, and now we have virtual reality and a prototype that can project images into your retinas...

   Almost every day I read an article stating that a company or person is pretty positive that we live in a simulation. Thank you Elon for starting that trend for this generation. I feel there is some validity to those statements with how much we utilize the internet and our phones, but where it will really happen will be when Virtual Reality goes commercial.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Money Doesn't Provide A Better Life For Most

Found on Quotes Gram
   Does anyone other than me find it interesting that money runs our life? It's really easy to see if you take a step back. We work, get material items, travel and pay with the dollar. A lot of people think that more money will improve their life, but most of the time that's false.

   Unless you're poor or destitute, money just gives you more "stuff". An article written by Mandi Woodruff in Business Insider states "When it comes to spending money, people are often content to rely on their hunches about what will make them happy".

Friday, September 2, 2016

It's All A Numbers Game

It's All A Numbers Game: keyboard
Found on Time 2 Mrkt
  For the past few months I've been studying Social Marketing through Coursera. Since I've been taking the course, I've been testing out the teachings I have learned with much success. I recommend this specialization to anyone who wants to make it in this new and advanced world.

   Lately though, I've been thinking about the whole aspect of marketing, especially in social media. The further I delve into it the more I realize that it's a numbers game, with people being the numeral entity.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Why Don't We Speak 2 Languages

We Don't Speak 2 Languages
Found on Beijing Tourism
   I find it interesting that most of the world knows our language, but why don't we know others? Did you know that 350 Million people around the world speak English, with 50 countries slotting it as the official or primary language? To date, we are only behind Mandarin and Spanish in most known language in the world.

   This is what really puzzles me. Even though more people in the world know Mandarin and Spanish, they are more likely to know our language than we are of theirs.